Why I do what I do

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I have helped 30+ clients.

90% of them are long-term clients.

Because I love what I do and will do whatever it takes to make my clients successful.

“Throughout my life, I thought success means earning a lot of money, being famous, getting into leadership roles, buying materialistic things, letting other people know that I made it.”

I got all these items that I just listed by 2017 and yet I was not happy. I felt there was something missing because life is more than just constantly doing things for yourself.

It's about making a difference in the community. It's about serving other people and bringing joy to this world. Because when you die, you cannot take anything with you and none of them lasts forever, but the impact you make in people's lives, that does, it gets passed on from generation to generation. And that is why people I decided to become a tech career strategist.

Do you want to know how I transform people's lives?

DM me to learn more...


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