Do the work to see the results you want


I practiced my first TEDx talk 60 times! REALLY!

Growing up, I dreamed about many things:
-I want to be famous
-I want the money
-I want people to like me
-I want to be successful (whatever that means)

And so on...

But there was ONE THING missing...


This is the difference between people who are LEGENDS and who want to be LEGENDS.

Doing the work is the bridge between GOALS and ACCOMPLISHING THEM.

3 Years Ago, I had the idea to do a TEDx talk.

I put in consistent effort to head towards this goal.

And in 2021, I am giving 3 TEDx talks and it is because I showed up every freaking day.

The reason I am saying all this is...

-Believe in yourself
-Surround yourself with people who can help you grow
-Invest in yourself by being ready to spend money and time on you
-Be consistent

I was a shy, introverted kid who could not even speak to the other person next to him. And now, I'm inspiring millions of people in one of the biggest stages. And this is proof that when you put in the time, effort, consistency, and believe in yourself, things start to happen.

If you surround yourself with people who can help you and help motivate you, then shit happens.

You need to give your best shot and whatever happens, happens, at least you know, you were true to your conscience and did everything you can. A

And that's the way we need to work. And for those of you reading this and who are still having limiting beliefs, it's okay to have those limiting beliefs but use that belief in the fear you have to drive you instead of consuming you.

Remember, society is going to give you different labels that you don't matter, you're not good enough and tell you what you need to do.

But ultimately you have the power to associate yourself with what label you want to be associated with. Like, you matter, you're good enough, you're talented, you are going to strive for greatness and that's what it's all about.

I just felt like sharing this thought today because I was kind of emotional, and was going through a lot of feelings.

The universe has given me a lot of positive things and I'm trying to grab on to it and it just feels unreal to me but just want to let everyone know that. keep chasing your dreams, things will happen. Just be patient.


Don' stop dreaming folks.


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