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Have you ever thought you want to be like the other folks who can talk to anyone at any time?


Would like to converse with strangers but you feel shy or afraid to start a conversation due to the fear of being judged?

Well, I have been in BOTH these situations.

Striking up an interesting conversation with people is really hard but after a lot of experimentation I found that are the 3 things you can do to talk to anyone AND...

Have an ENGAGING conversation.

It is by:
Using ice breakers
Sparking the ego
And asking how you can best support a person

How do you make people interested in you?

It's simple. You follow a 3 step process to have engaging conversations.

The first thing you want to do is have an icebreaker conversation. Find some commonalities between the person and you. It could be football, it could be family, it could be beer, whatever that may be, try to start a conversation based on their interest areas. That is the number one thing you want to do.

The second thing is to spark the ego. What I mean by that is, during a conversation, keep saying things like, “Wow, that's awesome.” You're doing this? That is great, man. Wow, that would be really hard. Kudos to you, man. So when you say that you're sparking their ego, that means they will be more interested in talking more to you, and they get closer to you.

And finally, ask them how you can best support them. In the sense towards the end of the conversation, say that, hey, if there's any way I could help, just let me know, man, I'm there for you. So when you say things like that, then people get closer to you. So again, the three-step strategy, which is icebreaker conversation, sparked the ego and then how I can best support you. There you go. Stay inspired, folks.

👉🏾 Have you used any of these strategies before?

If so, share your thoughts on how you have used it in the COMMENTS below




Interview 3 C approach