How to come up with your ELEVATOR PITCH?

Have you ever been at a conference or networking event with high-profile people and...

You meet someone whose acquaintance will help you get you to the next level or land your dream job, but...

You have only 1 minute to explain who you are, what you do, make yourself sound interesting, and get their contact details?

I am not talking about SPEED DATING 😀 BUT...

Talking about your ELEVATOR PITCH to market yourself to others in the best way possible, within a short time limit.

Often times this 1-minute monologue has the potential to CHANGE your life.

So how do you come up with that perfect elevator pitch?

Here are six components you need to think of.

  1. The first thing is to write down things you want to say that create interest and highlights the value you bring to people.

  2. Secondly, use simple words for description.

  3. The third thing is, to begin with, a catchy tagline to hook the people into your pitch.

  4. The fourth thing is to try to bring it under four to five lines so that it's quick, crisp, and with clarity, and experiment with to get feedback.

  5. And finally, record yourself practicing it in front of a mirror or a video tool.

CHECK OUT this post and let me know what you think about it.

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