How to see the positive side of COMPARISON?

Growing up in an Asian community, comparison always followed me.

I was constantly compared to other overachievers around me. This led to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, stress, and high-self doubt. This kind of continued throughout my childhood.

During my 2nd year of my undergrad, I had this epiphany. I realized that, I was living a life under a false assumption that all comparisons were a bad thing because social media & society had labeled it that way.

I thought to myself what if I start looking at the possibilities and the transformation that can happen if I look at the positive side of comparison?

“Man, how can I be like that guy? Why is he so successful and not me?” This is how I was for the first 30 years of my life, because I constantly kept comparing myself to other people and used to feel like sh*t.

But then I started studying comparison and found that there are “2 types of comparison.”

You have upward comparison, which is comparing yourself with other people who you think are better than you.

Then you have downward comparison, which is comparing yourself with other people who you think are inferior to you.

And researchers found that using upward comparison, you can actually get motivated and achieve similar kind of success. So folks, not all comparisons are bad. Use comparison to fuel your growth. Find out what you can do differently, what are you lacking and then pivot and that's how you do epic sh*t.

👉🏾 Do you COMPARE YOURSELF with others around you?

SHARE how that has impacted your life in the comments below



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