Review of the book "The Subtle art of not giving a f@#$"

I recently finished reading this book "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F@#K"by Mark Manson

I liked this book because the author Mark Manson pretty much explains Buddhist principles in a raw, extremely funny and conversational format. (Disclaimer: I am not a buddhism expert and do not mean that all the principles he mentions are based on this. It is just my thoughts). I needed to read a book like this, as the author speaks his mind and points out the obvious things about life which we know but fail to follow for various reasons. As you may have guessed from the title, the book has a lot of F-Bombs and I just love it for this very same reason i.e he does not sugar coat things and gives us various examples based on his experiences of why we should not be a Di@k to people. Here are my take aways and highlights of the book

  • People need to pay attention to Negative Experiences and learn from it, instead of just thinking positive in life and pretend world is a nice and friendly place. They need to take some action on it instead of pushing it away

  • Dramatic Experiences teach you stuff (I have my own experiences and will attest to this point)

  • Stop freaking comparing your life with others; instead have your own metric to map your life to

  • Our life is like an onion, we need to peel different layers of it in order to reach inner peace and satisfaction

  • In this world, there are only so many F@#K's to give. So choose them wisely

  • Failures teach you things and lead to success

  • In life, there is NO certainty, so we need to learn to embrace it

The author also talks about the Disappointment Panda. It is hilarious. I will save it for the other readers who pick up this book.

I highly recommend this book, if you want to remind yourself about your purpose in life in a fun, profanity and reality highlighting manner.

NOTE: Have you already read this book before? If so, share you thoughts as comments here or you can contact me at -


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