Carve your own identity and find your passion

  • How many of you have spent your entire childhood doing things you were told to do? Instead of what you actually want to do?

  • How many of you have chosen a career path just because someone said it is a good option for you?

  • How many of you think you are still in the wrong career but do not want to make a change just because you may disappoint other people?

  • How many of you are still in the path of figuring out your true identity and what you stand for?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then you are a normal person like me. I struggled in life trying to carve my own identity and find my passion. My actions were always dictated by someone else. Finally, I had an awakening and decided to make a change and pave my own path.

In this video, I describe two of my challenges I faced during my childhood, how I decided to stop living someone else’s life and decided to make a transformation to discover my true identity and passion. I hope this video will inspire others who are going through the same journey of self discovery and prove that anything is possible if you have focus and effort


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