Now is the time where your boss is figuring out whether you will get a:

  • Salary increase

  • Performance Bonus

  • Promotion

I remember these reviews where I was a nervous wreck. I went into these meetings, hoping one of the above things will happen to me. And when NOTHING happened, I was super disappointed.

After years of facing some surprises, I wondered...

What if I can change this narrative?

What if I already set the tone throughout the year about what I want and make my results visible?

Probably, you already had your performance review meeting, or you're about to have one. And the common mistake people do is they go unprepared for these meetings. And then when they don't get that salary increase or the promotion, the performance bonus, they're out surprised and taken aback in terms of why this is happening to them.

Don't be that person, go prepared.

And here are three things you can do to ace performance review meetings.

  1. The first thing you want to do is you want to make a list of all your accomplishments throughout the year, go through your emails, notes, text messages, and all other data points and make note of them and send it to your boss before the performance review meeting.

  2. The second thing is to do prior research and what do you actually want,

    Do you want a salary increase?

    Do you want a promotion?

    Do you want the performance bonus?

    Why you wanted why you deserve it?

    Why do you think you're worth it?

  3. And finally, be proactive throughout the year. During your one on one meetings, make a list of items you've accomplished previous till the previous meeting, and talk about that with your boss so that during the end of the mean end of the year, you can have all these lists of items and send it to your boss just to remind him or her judgment and that is how you Ace performance review meetings.

I discuss more tips regarding performance reviews in my book, but hopefully, this will be a good start for you.

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