The real meaning of "Salary Negotiation"

You found your dream job. Congrats!

What's next?

We have the dreaded Salary Negotiation process.

A lot of people wish they don't have to negotiate their salary or want to just get it over with as quickly as possible.

“Sir, could I get $50,000, “No” that's not the way you negotiate your salary. “

So here are three ways to be successful in your salary negotiation process.

The first thing you want to do is research what you can get that particular job. So go to PayScale, Glassdoor, and Indeed and find the minimum median, and the maximum range of salary can get for the particular job you're interviewing for.

The second thing you want to keep in mind is never ever give an exact number when they ask that dreaded question of what are your salary expectations because you can lowball yourself.

The third and final thing you want to remember that you can negotiate on so many other things apart from just money, you have vacation days you have work from home days, you have your job title, and other company perks. So keep that in mind.

How do you approach salary negotiation?

Care to share any tips and experiences that can help other people?
Put your thoughts in the comments below



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