Job Alerts

“One of the most time-consuming aspects of your job application process is actually going to different job websites and then searching for the jobs you want, and then going through the list and then applying for the jobs.”

And it gets really cumbersome as and when you go do it. So instead, you can take a more proactive approach.

So what are you going to do?

Go to each of these job websites, and then search for a job say a software developer.

Subscribe for job alerts. And then what's going to happen is all job openings for the software developer jobs are going to come right to your inbox.

And then go one step further, where you start auto foldering all these job-related emails in one particular folder.

So every day when you wake up in the morning, the only thing you have to check is your folder and just start applying for the jobs right from your email inbox instead of going and searching for different jobs, accredit different job websites.

And that's how you do it, folks. Stay inspired

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