How to Do Deep Work?


Do DEEP WORK to get the best RESULTS

In today's world in the name of doing multitasking, we try to work on different tasks at the same time and end up not completing or focusing on anything. We do not give our 100% effort in the tasks we do because of constant distractions

Then I read the book DEEP WORK by Cal Newport and it changed my life. For the past 4 years, I have been practicing Deep Work and have dramatically improved the quality of my work.

Deep work is about giving focus attention to cognitively demanding tasks.

And this is how you do it….

Have time blocked sessions throughout the day to focus on your high priority tasks. And these sessions could be 30 minute, 45 minute, one hour time block sessions, where you focus on that one particular thing.

Also, track your time in terms of how much time is spent on productive tasks versus unproductive tasks. You have different apps to do that as well.

And then finally, make sure you focus on Do Not Disturb and you turn off all your slack notifications and other message notifications because you want to focus on that particular task.

And if you have a playlist and if you listen to music while working, make sure you choose one particular playlist every time you do great work because your mind gets trained to start focusing based on the background music and that's how you do deep work.

How you do deep work?

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