How to accomplish your goals?

How are you doing on your GOALS?

Based on research about 85% of the people would have already given up on their goals by the starting of February.

Yup, that is TRUE.

Does that BOTHER you?

Do you feel IRRITATED that you have already fallen off your goals to lose weight, eat healthily, spend time with family, or whatever you had set at the beginning of this year?

Now, why does this happen year after year?

The problem is we do not have a strategy in place to accomplish our goals.

“We DO NOT make our goals visible.”

Here are 3 strategies you can follow to achieve your goals:

First thing is to do the mind dump exercise. It's an exercise where you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and I have a video about this. So definitely go check it out.

And then based on that you're gonna identify different goals you want to achieve in 2021.

And then identify different tasks to achieve those goals.

And then finally, schedule those tasks on your calendar on a weekly basis so that you gradually start working towards your goals and by the end of the year.

You will see that you will accomplish at least the majority of the goals, and that's how you do it - goals, tasks, and mapping it to your calendar.

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