3 OBSTACLES to your growth and HOW to get past it!


Have you ever tried to catch a ball, only to get blocked by someone?

You can’t help but feel disappointed because you nearly reached your goal to catch the ball, but you didn’t.

People face blocks all the time. It’s part of life.

I still remember the time when I got my overall rating for my first talk in 2013. It was a 4.8/5 out of about 40+ people.

I kept looking at it and started doing that negative self-talk (which we all know) about whether I deserved that high rating.

Here I was a shy-introverted kid who pushed himself out of his comfort zone and fear of public speaking to give his first conference talk after 7 months and 23 trials run of it.

I had put in so much effort and felt I DID NOT DESERVE THIS SUCCESS.

HAVE you been there before?

Based on my experience, there are 3 common obstacles you will face when you start achieving great things.

Recognizing this will save you a ton of time and heartache when it comes to reaching your goals and pursuing your dreams.

I don’t matter, I'm not good enough. I don't think I deserve this. Are you one of these folks, then please stop. Because there are three common obstacles you're going to face when you're growing, and I'm going to tell you how to get over it.

The first obstacle you're going to face is, you feel you're not good enough

This happens when you feel you don't deserve the fame and the credibility and the positive things happening in your life, even though you're consistent. And the best way to get out of it is still to have positive affirmation, tell that you matter, you're good enough, and you deserve the gift that the universe is giving you.

The second obstacle you're going to face is you get into old habits

So whenever you're trying to focus on your growth and action plan, you are going to face something unexpected, you may not feel like doing the work. And in those situations, you need to make your goal and action plan visible, write it down, stick it on the wall, so that it makes you motivated every day just by looking at it.

The third and final obstacle is you're going to start getting negative energy from people especially when you start to grow

They're going to be a lot of people who are jealous of your growth. They'll tell you that you are growing too fast or you should not do something you are doing. The best way to overcome this obstacle is to cut ties with people who give negative energy.

Surround yourself with people who can uplift you who can challenge you and who can support you.

And these are the three common obstacles you are going to face and you can overcome them. Let's go

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