I was in my clubhouse room the other day and we were discussing different strategies introverts can follow to become entrepreneurs.

One of the questions that were asked in the room was "How to start a side hustle?"

I have NEVER shared this before but only a few people know that I actually started my company as a side-hustle way back in 2017.

I started doing technical workshops in different companies.

Then in 2018, I got tired of just doing that and wanted to go back to what I was passionate about...

It was HELPING PEOPLE grow in their careers and personal lives.

During this transformation, I followed 7 STEPS to start my SIDE HUSTLE and make it into my full-time job.

“You do not have to leave your corporate job to start a successful business.

You could start it as a side hustle first and then make it into your full time business just like how I did it.

So here are 7 steps to start your side hustle.

  1. The first thing is to figure out your strengths through the mind dump exercise where you write down all your strengths and weaknesses and then focus on the strength.

  2. The second thing is to research how you can use those skills to help people.

  3. And then based on all the skills you've identified, pick the top three,

  4. Figure out who's your audience.

  5. Then, what problem you're going to solve.

  6. Create your service

  7. Finally, you have to market it and promote it.

And those are the seven steps to start a side hustle.

How have you started your side hustle?

Share some tips in the comments below.




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