4 Things to make your post get more Engagement

"Man, your posts are so inspiring. I read it every day. I'm looking forward to it. "

If you want people to have this kind of reaction when they read through your posts,

then you want to make sure there are Four things you want to keep in mind.

  1. Have a catchy tagline - When people are scrolling, your posts will immediately grab their attention and it will make them read and go through the rest of your post.

  2. Start with a story - Write one or two lines of your personal story related to the subject.

  3. Get into what you want to convey through the posts, the content, the actual reason why you're posting.

  4. Call to action - So now that they have read your posts and are inspired, what do you want them to do with the information you provided?

So those are the four key things to increase your engagement, increase your followers and be a kick-ass social media influencer.

👉🏾Any other KEY THINGS I did not cover?

Share them below


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