My personal thank you note to people - For making 2018 a great year

Behind every successful person there is this woman or man who is the catalyst behind their growth. In my case it was definitely my wife supporting me in each and every step but there was also a whole team whom I call family who made 2018 a successful year for me.In 2018, apart from regular work/job

The above accomplishments, makes me feel proud and slightly emotional at the same time. What people see is me doing all these things but they forget that there was a whole team of people who helped me to accomplish each and every task listed above.I wanted to thank each one of them below and without their support I could not have done any of these tasks. Thank you so much and I am for ever grateful for your help.

  • Joe Ours from QAorTheHighway who is a mentor and well wisher

  • Rob Lambert from TestingCup2018

  • The entire Selenium Conference Crew

  • Ivana and Nikola from Quest4Quality

  • Davar Ardalan from IVOW who is such an inspiration and great human being

  • The entire KWSQA/Targeting Quality Conference Crew

  • James, Peggy and Rick from STP Conference

  • The entire STAR Conference Group including Alison Wade who is an inspiration and role model for Women in Tech

  • Owen Gotimer, Community Manager at Techwell

  • The entire EuroSTAR 2018 Conference Crew

  • The entire Agile Testing Days Conference Crew especially Uwe Gelfert and Ina Hoelzel who believed in me and my abilities

  • Eran Kinsbruner who is a mentor to me and made me believe in my strengths

  • Jason Arbon, Tariq King and Dionny Santiago for sharing their AI knowledge with me and the community. They also started AIST

  • Selena Delesie for her common interests and ideas on mindfulness and inspiring me to continue being a good human being

And last but not the least, all the great people I work with at Testim. They have supported me in all my endeavors and I am lucky to be working with one of the smartest and most passionate people I have ever seen. Thank you so much and thank you to the testing community. I would also recommend getting to know the people above as they are one of the most influential and genuine people in the testing community.In 2019, one thing I really want to do and I know I do not do enough of it is, to do more "Giving" and "Helping" people in the testing community. So, I already know what my primary goal for 2019 will be. Anyone who needs help with anything please feel free to reach to me. I will try my level best to help out or at least help to point you in the right direction."Human first, Technology Next"


High Level Overview of Machine Learning Classification - ML 101


Quest for Quality 2018 Conference - The conference of the future - My Summary